A milestone for women!

This is not a political statement.

40.6% of the current government is held by women, including the UK’s first female chancellor. Although this is a landmark for representation in parliament, we still need to support each other.

Women percentages in the logistics profession in the UK:
·       13% in management and admin roles,
·       3% of females are HGV drivers
·       20% of women work in warehouses
And yet:
·       There is a 36% shortage of HGV drivers across Europe
·       There are 75% vacancies in transport/logistics/warehouse roles in the UK
·       89.8% of women in the logistics industry are ethnically white
·       In good news, BAME representation in transport apprenticeships is 21% ahead of the 20% target.

With such a big demand and need to fulfill these roles, 52.2% of logistics occupations pay less than £25,600. Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic exposed structural issues with the logistics labour market.

This is a milestone for a better more equal market. Maybe not at the speed we wish but it is moving in the right direction.